API Reference
Reconvolution CCA classifier. |
ERP CCA classifier. |
ERP TRCA classifier. |
Ensemble classifier. |
Compute the envelope of audio using a gammatone filterbank. |
Compute the envelope of the audio as the root mean square (RMS) of the signal. |
Gate described by an aggregate function. |
Gate described by classification of difference scores. |
Plot the event time-series. |
Plot a topoplot. |
Make an almost perfect auto-correlation (APA) sequence. |
Make a de Bruijn sequence. |
Make complementary Golay sequences. |
Make a set of Gold codes. |
Make a maximum length sequence. |
Check whether a stimulus is a de Bruijn sequence. |
Check whether a stimulus is a Gold code. |
Check whether a stimulus is an m-sequence. |
Modulate a stimulus. |
Shift a code to create multiple. |
Optimize the subset by first clustering similar codes and subsequently selecting the best candidates from each cluster. |
Optimize the allocation of codes to a layout by considering the correlation between neighboring codes. |
Bayesian dynamic stopping. |
Criterion static stopping. |
Distribution dynamic stopping. |
Margin dynamic stopping. |
Value dynamic stopping. |
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA). |
Task related component analysis (TRCA). |
Compute the correlation coefficient. |
Compute the Euclidean distance. |
Compute the covariance matrix. |
Make a Hankel-like decoding matrix. |
Make a Toeplitz-like encoding matrix. |
Make an event matrix. |
Correct for a latency in data. |
Apply a filterbank. |
Find the neighbour pairs in a rectangular layout. |
Find the neighbouring pair with maximum score. |
Slice trials to epochs. |
Compute the information-transfer rate (ITR). |